Once upon a time there was a little boy who became very ill. He had to spend all day in bed, and was not able to move. Because other children could not come near him, he *suffered greatly, and felt ( 1 ).
There wasn't much he could do; only look out of the window. Time passed, and his feeling of *despair just grew. Until one day he saw a strange shape in the window. It was a penguin eating a sausage sandwich. The penguin came in through the open window, said "good afternoon" to the boy, turned around, and left again.
Of course, the boy was very ( 2 ). He was still thinking about what was happening, when outside his window he saw that a monkey in a *nappy was blowing up a balloon. At first the boy couldn't understand what was going on around him. But after a while, he could not stop laughing, because more and more crazy-looking characters appeared outside the window.
No one could stop laughing at a pig playing a tambourine, an elephant jumping on a trampoline, or a dog wearing a pair of glasses and talking about *politics. The little boy didn't tell anyone about this because ( 3 ) would believe him. But he didn't mind, because those strange characters put joy back in his heart, and in his body. Soon, his health got better and he was able to go back to school again.
There he began to talk to his friends, and told them all the strange things he saw. While he was talking to his best friend, he found something *sticking out of his friend's school bag. The boy asked his friend ( 4 ) it was again and again, and finally his friend had to show him the inside of the bag: there, inside, were all the *fancy-dress suits and disguises that his best friend used to try to cheer the little boy up!
And from that day, the little boy always did his best to help other people who felt sad and alone.
suffer 苦しむ
despair 絶望
nappy おむつ
politics 政治
sticking out of ~ ~から出ている
fancy-dress suits and disguises 仮装グッズ
問1 ( 1 )~( 4 )に入る適切な英語をア~エからそれぞれ1つ選んで、その符号を書きなさい。
( 1 )
ア kind and red イ sad and blue
ウ easy and pink エ safe and green
( 2 )
ア exciting イ surprised
ウ interesting エ tired
( 3 )
ア no one イ someone
ウ everyone エ anyone
( 4 )
ア that イ what
ウ where エ when
問2 下線部に関して少年がそうするようになった理由を次のア~エから1つ選んで、その符号を書きなさい。
ア 友人の作った衣装があまりにも上手にできていたことに感動したから。
イ 自分を励ますために友人が必死になってくれたことを知って感動したから。
ウ 普段見ることができない動物をたくさん見て感動したから。
エ 自分の経験を友人に話したとき友人がそれを信じてくれたことに感動したから。
※( )内の高校の入試問題で出題された問題です。(すべて全角のカタカナで入力すること)
次のそれぞれの文について、意味が通じるように( )をうめるのに最も適切なものを一つずつ選び、記号で答えなさい。
(1)The dress ( ) her mother made is very beautiful.
ア what イ which
ウ who エ whom
(2)Mr. Okada is a teacher ( ) everyone likes.
ア which イ that
ウ what エ why
(3)We like the meat ( ) sell at the store.
ア that イ which
ウ they エ to
(4)Don't wake up the girl and the cat ( ) are sleeping on the sofa.
ア that イ which
ウ who エ whom
(5)This is the highest mountain ( ) I have ever seen.
ア that イ which
ウ who エ when
下の絵は、AからCへと場面が連続しています。この3つの絵で示された内容を、場面の展開をふまえて、40語程度の英語で書きなさい。ただし、英文の数はいくつでもよく、符号(, . ! など)は語数に含めません。

There is ~の文
※( )内の高校の入試問題で出題された問題です。(すべて半角で入力すること)
与えられた日本語の意味をあらわす英文になるように、それぞれ( )内の語を並べかえなさい。ただし、文頭にくる語も小文字にしてある。
(a/are/fish/in/lot/of/there/the lake).
(any/there/kangaroos/are) in this zoo?
(no/there/in/clouds/are) the sky today.
※( )内の高校の入試問題で出題された問題です。(アルファベットも記号もすべて半角で入力すること)
- 母は台所で料理をしています。
- エミは海で泳いでいます。
- 今日はメガネをかけていないんだよ。
- あなたはここで何をしているのですか。