次の英文は、ツバサ(Tsubasa)とケン(Ken)が、運動会(Sports Day)の学級対抗全員リレー(the interclass relay race)で体験したことについて書かれたものです。これを読んで、あとの問に答えなさい。*印の語句には、本文のあとに(注)があります。
Tsubasa and Ken were third year students in junior high school. They were going to have Sports Day soon. They wanted to *win the first prize in the interclass relay race. Last year, Tsubasa, Ken, and their classmates couldn't do it because they couldn't *exchange the baton well.
Tsubasa, Ken, and their classmates talked about how to exchange the baton well. Tsubasa said, "Let's exchange the baton with our right hands only. So we can run faster." Everyone agreed and practiced very hard every day. Their teacher often *cheered them on and said, "You can win the first prize this year." Everyone was happy.
Before Sports Day, there was a *rehearsal of the interclass relay race. Tsubasa, Ken, and their classmates *were disappointed because some classes were faster than their class. After school, some classmates said, "We can't win the first prize *even if we practice. So we don't want to practice," and they began to go home. Tsubasa was very sad and said to the classmates, "This is our last interclass relay race in this junior high school. I don't want to give up." Ken also said, "Please don't go home. I think there is something that we can do." The classmates said, "If you say so, we'll try for our class."
Then Tsubasa's classmates talked with each other. One classmate said, "I think our *running order is important. Students who can run fast should be the *first and last three *runners." Everyone agreed and began to change the running order. Tsubasa said, "Ken, you run the fastest in our class. Please be the last runner." Ken said, "OK. The last runner must run longer, so I'll run harder for our class. If we try together, we can win the first prize." After that, everyone practiced harder.
win the first prize 1位になる
exchange the baton バトンを渡す
cheered ~ on ~を激励した
rehearsal リハーサル
were disappointed がっかりした
even if ~ たとえ~しても
running order 走る順番
first and last three 最初と最後の3人の
runner(s) 走者
問 本文の内容と合うように、次のア~ウの英文に続けるのに最も適切なものを、1~4の中からそれぞれ一つ選び、その番号を書きなさい。(半角数字で入力すること)
ア Last year, Tsubasa, Ken, and their classmates
1 were third year students in junior high school.
2 couldn't win the first prize in the interclass relay race.
3 exchanged the baton with their right hands only.
4 didn't run in the interclass relay race.
イ Tsubasa was very sad because
1 his teacher didn't cheer his classmates on.
2 the students in his class were becoming faster.
3 Ken gave up and began to go home.
4 some classmates didn't want to practice.
ウ While Tsubasa's classmates were talking about the running order,
1 Ken told Tsubasa to be the first runner.
2 Tsubasa told Ken to be the third runner.
3 Ken told Tsubasa to be the fastest runner.
4 Tsubasa told Ken to be the last runner.
※( )内の高校の入試問題で出題された問題です。
次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、( )に適する語を1語ずつ入れなさい。(半角で入力すること)
Ken said to me, "Please go shopping with me."
Ken ( ) me ( ) go shopping with him.
This story is so difficult that we can't understand it.
This story is ( ) difficult for ( ) ( ) understand.
He has so much money that he can buy that expensive car.
He is ( ) ( ) to buy that expensive car.
None of the students could solve the problem.
( ) was ( ) for any of the students to solve the problem.
※( )内の高校の入試問題で出題された問題です。
次の日本語を英語になおしたとき、( )に一語ずつ単語を入れ、英文を完成させなさい。
I get ( ) ( ) ( ) my mother.
Mary is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) the three.
I've found reading books is ( ) ( ) ( ) listening to music.
This tree is ( ) ( ) tall ( ) that one.
※( )内の高校の入試問題で出題された問題です。
次のそれぞれの文について、意味が通じるように( )をうめるのに最も適切なものを一つずつ選び、記号で答えなさい。
(1)( ) your brother like movies?
-Yes. He often watches American movies on TV.
ア Is イ Are ウ Does エ Do
(2)( ) they speak English in Canada?
ア Be イ Are ウ Do エ Does
(3)One of my friends ( ) like soccer.
ア don't イ has ウ doesn't エ do
(4)Each of the girls ( ) their own dictionary.
ア has イ looked ウ use エ lend