※( )内の大学の入試問題で出題された問題です。
🄰 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、( )に適する語を1語ずつ入れなさい。(半角アルファベットのみ入力すること)
Without his help, I could not have succeeded.
If it ( ) ( ) ( ) for his help, I could not have succeeded.
He recommended me, so I got a promotion.
( ) ( ) his recommendation, I would not have got a promotion.
🄱 (1)については意味がとおる英文になるように、(2)(3)については日本文の意味をあらわす英文になるように、( )内の語句を並べかえて、英文を完成させなさい。なお、文頭にくる語も小文字にしてある。(すべて並べかえる部分のみを半角のみで入力すること)
(for/it/not/if/air/were), all animals would die.
(for/not/were/support/your/it), our company couldn't survive.
(meters/to rise/were/two/the sea), most of this island would be under water.
※( )内の大学の入試問題で出題された問題です。
(1)She was absent from class due to a pain in her leg.
ア at the cost of イ because of
ウ in spite of エ for the purpose of
(2)The public library was closed on account of budget cuts.
ア but for イ except for
ウ instead of エ because of
(3)For all his honesty, they say bad things about him.
ア In spite of イ As for
ウ Because of エ But for
(4)Some people complained, but as for me, I'm perfectly satisfied.
ア as a result of イ concerning
ウ paying no attention to エ coming from
(5)In relation to this project, my opinion differs from yours.
ア In accordance with イ In comparison to
ウ In regards to エ In attendance at
(6)We're going to go to that country for the purpose of helping the poor.
ア at the mercy of イ in charge of
ウ with a view to エ in preference to
※( )内の大学の入試問題で出題された問題です。
🄰 次のそれぞれの文について、意味が通じるように( )をうめるのに最も適切なものを一つずつ選び、記号で答えなさい。(全角カタカナのみ入力すること)
(1)I can remember the time ( ) phones were still rare.
ア as イ since
ウ until エ when
(2)This is the house ( ) I was born in.
ア where イ when
ウ whose エ which
(3)He bought a cottage in the countryside, ( ) he spent the last days of his life.
ア which イ when
ウ where エ why
🄱 次のそれぞれについて、日本文の意味をあらわす英文になるように、( )内の語句を並べかえて、英文を完成させなさい。(並べかえる部分のみを半角のみで入力すること)
The students explained to me (for/late/reason/the/they/were/why) the lecture.
His recent promotion will (the/change/at/look/way/we) him.
Put the book back (was/when/where/to/you're/it) through with it.

※( )内の大学の入試問題で出題された問題です。(答えはすべて全角カタカナで入力すること)
次のそれぞれの文について、意味が通じるように( )をうめるのに最も適切なものを一つずつ選び、記号で答えなさい。
(1)Both you and I ( ) suspected by the police.
ア are イ am ウ is エ be
(2)Either she or I ( ) to go.
ア am イ is ウ can エ may
(3)Not only Larry and David but also Peter ( ) come to the airport to see me off.
ア has イ have ウ is エ are
(4)She as well as I ( ) tired of the work.
ア am イ is ウ are エ be
(5)( ) I am mistaken.
ア Both you and イ Neither you nor
ウ You as well as エ Whether you or
(6)About three fourths of the earth's surface ( ) of water.
ア is consisting イ are consisting
ウ consists エ consist