※( )内の年度のセンター試験の問題を参考に作られています。(答えはすべて半角数字で入力すること)
問1 (2019(平成31))
① blood ② choose
③ mood ④ proof
問2 (2008(平成20))
① breath ② cease
③ leaf ④ reason
問3 (2007(平成19))
① abroad ② approach
③ coast ④ throat
問4 (2017(平成29))
① appear ② fear
③ gear ④ swear
※( )内の年度のセンター試験の問題を参考に作られています。(答えはすべて半角数字で入力すること)
次の問い(問1~4)において、それぞれ下の①~⑥(問4のみ①~⑤)の語句を並べかえて空所を補い、最も適当な文を完成させよ。解答は 1 ~ 8 に入れるものの番号のみを答えよ。
問1 (2016(平成28))
Student: Excuse me. I'd like to know what we will be discussing in next week's seminar.
Professor: I haven't decided yet, so 1 2 email.
① by ② let ③ me
④ send ⑤ the details ⑥ you
問2 (2011(平成23))
Doing a homestay with a family in another country 3 4 skills.
① communication ② develop ③ help
④ would ⑤ you ⑥ your
問3 (2014(平成26))
Dan: How did your health check go?
Mike: Not bad, but the doctor 5 6 .
① advised ② exercise ③ get
④ me ⑤ regular ⑥ to
問4 (2012(平成24))
Because he came down with the flu, 7 8 for a week.
① forced ② he ③ stay at home
④ to ⑤ was
※( )内の大学の入試問題を参考に作られています。
(1)In Britain there are a number of Sunday newspapers, many of which are connected with the "dailies," though not run by the same editor and staff.
(2)The scientist's concern is truth, the artist's concern is beauty. Now some philosophers tell us that beauty and truth are the same thing. They say there is only one value, one eternal thing which we can call x, and that truth is the name given to it by the scientist and beauty the name given to it by the artist.
※( )内の大学の入試問題で出題された問題です。(答えはすべて全角カタカナで入力すること)
次のそれぞれの文について、意味が通じるように( )をうめるのに最も適切なものを一つずつ選び、記号で答えなさい。
(1)Traveling by air costs ( ) taking the train.
ア as much as twice イ as much twice as
ウ twice as much as エ as twice much as
(2)She was ( ) far the best singer in the class.
ア as イ above
ウ from エ by
(3)Sapporo is the fifth ( ) city in Japan.
ア as large as イ large
ウ larger エ largest
(4)Lost things have a way of appearing when ( ) expected.
ア best イ least
ウ worst エ most
※( )内の年度のセンター試験の問題を参考に作られています。(答えはすべて半角数字で入力すること)
問1 The Shima family ― a father, a mother, and two children ― will take a trip to Chicago starting from Tokyo. They plan to leave on September 25 and return on September 30, and they want to take their two-year-old poodle along. Which flights can they use?
① Flight 203 and Flight 206
② Flight 205 and Flight 206
③ Flight 205 and Flight 208
④ Flight 207 and Flight 208
問2 Mr. Uno, a businessman, wants to travel from Tokyo to Chicago by economy class at the end of September. He can't leave Tokyo before noon on September 25. He may also need a power supply for his computer during the flight. Which flight should he choose?
① Flight 203
② Flight 205
③ Flight 206
④ Flight 207
問3 According to this airline's policies, which of these animals is permitted on flights?
① A cat which is three years old
② A dog born at the end of the previous month
③ A hamster which just passed its first birthday
④ A rabbit born three weeks before the flight

次のコンサートに関する広告を読み、次の問い(問4~6)の 38 ~ 40 に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の①~④のうちから一つずつ選べ。
問4 Which of the following statements is true? 38
① Action City Stadium will host Seven Funky Rangers' spring concert.
② Seven Funky Rangers are famous for their two top-selling songs.
③ Seven Funky Rangers will perform several times this year.
④ The legendary Hip Hop Heroes are the main attraction.
問5 Which of the following costs $80 if bought on August 18th? 39
① One class A standard seat.
② One class B standard seat.
③ One class B VIP seat.
④ One stage front ticket.
問6 A family consisting of a father aged 41, a mother aged 40, two boys aged 14, and a girl aged 13, providing proof of age for the children, would 40 .
① all be allowed to enter the stage front section
② exceed the maximum number of tickets that can be bought at one time
③ receive a 50% discount on three tickets when purchasing in advance
④ receive a 10% discount when purchasing five tickets at one time